N. H.

I agree with the glow­ing reviews by oth­ers. I was impressed by Nathan per­son­ally, and the way he was able to throw all the resources nec­es­sary for the job into motion in a very short time. I gave him a free hand, and stayed out of his way. The restora­tion of my back yard was accom­plished in a mat­ter of a few days . Nathan’s crew were all lovely — cour­te­ous and effi­cient, and I could def­i­nitely tell that the work­ing rela­tion­ships here were based on respect, and that the tone of the whole oper­a­tion was set by Nathan. He is a good lis­tener; he remem­bers every detail, and he does great work. He under­stood that in my gar­den, not every­thing needed to be done over, and he worked to fill out, restore, and replant as nec­es­sary. His bid was more than fair, and included a drip irri­ga­tion sys­tem sup­plied by a sub­con­trac­tor. This was all a very pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence for me, and I couldn’t rec­om­mend Nathan and Green Gallery more highly. These are young, knowl­edge­able, ener­getic, per­son­able, peo­ple, and they leave you think­ing every­one should be this way!