Craftsmanship. Functionality. Allure.

The elements of a well rounded garden.

Our Services

Green Gallery is a full service design-build firm. We offer design con­sul­ta­tion, installation ser­vices, and main­te­nance for the ongoing upkeep of your outdoor spaces.


Green Gallery


Green Gallery


Green Gallery


Nathan Parsley, owner and operator of Green Gallery Landscaping, has always held a deep interest in gardens. Growing up in Berkeley, California he developed an appreciation for all types of landscapes. "We are so fortunate here in the Bay Area to live in this hospitable Mediterranean climate where it is possible to achieve your dream garden, from the low-maintenance California garden, to the traditional Japanese or English Cottage, from the verdant overgrown and sweeping, to the perfectly manicured and contained."

Nathan and the entire Green Gallery Landscaping team take pride in their ability to facilitate the creation of your ideal garden. From the seedling stages to full blossom, Green Gallery enthusiastically caters to each client's space, long-term plan, and specific aesthetic desires. Our team provides the skilled craftsmanship, experience and enthusiasm to bring any garden to it's full potential.

Nate Dog


We used Nathan’s com­pany to do a sim­ple small front yard trans­for­ma­tion, from all lawn to part lawn and part plant­ing area. He installed two trees, a cou­ple dozen small plants, irri­ga­tion, pavers, mulch, etc. He and I picked out the plants together. He offered sug­ges­tions about plants and design, but did not impose his vision on mine. The over­all result is a great improve­ment. His prices were not at the low end and were not at the high end either. They were some­where in the mid­dle and we felt they were rea­son­able. Address­ing a less tan­gi­ble fac­tor, I found Nathan to be unusu­ally direct, clear, rea­son­able, and open. It was very easy to deal with him and his work­ers, who were all pro­fes­sional, respon­sive, and pleas­ant. He seems to have a very good rela­tion­ship and good com­mu­ni­ca­tion (and he speaks Span­ish) with his employees which I have found to be a good sign. As far as the mechan­ics of the process, his (larger than expected) team appeared on the agreed day and almost com­pleted the work that first day. I had planned for at least sev­eral days of messy work, and was pleas­antly sur­prised to see it all neatly … Continued

Anthony S., May 6, 2011, Albany, CA

Nathan and his crew trans­formed our front and back yards in a mat­ter of less than 3 weeks. The job included remov­ing large amounts of con­crete, putting down a new patio and walk­ways, irri­ga­tion, con­struct­ing 3 trel­lises, remov­ing a very old lawn, and plant­ing shrubs to fit our per­sonal choices. He also installed a water fea­ture (foun­tain) and painted the front porch and built raised veg­gie boxes. The final results were mag­nif­i­cent. We were very pleased with the change as were the neigh­bors. His team was very easy to work with. Mike — Oak­land Hills

Mike A., July 28, 2011, Oak­land, CA

Green Gallery’s crew just left after a whirl­wind three days of inten­sive work and the result is noth­ing less than a mir­a­cle. The crew of 7–8 guys worked their butts off, haul­ing in mulch, plants and irri­ga­tion mate­ri­als. They not only did a phe­nom­e­nal job installing every­thing, but went out of their way to rake the lawn, blow leaves off the patio and haul out some dead plants…all above and beyond the call of duty. Nathan, Green Gallery’s owner, was enthu­si­as­tic and made great sug­ges­tions and/or improve­ments to the plan. And when changes needed to be made, he was pos­i­tive and encour­ag­ing. I can’t say enough about Nathan and his crew. When they left, I was a bliss­fully happy camper.

Lynn B., Novem­ber 23, 2011, Berke­ley, CA

I have hired Green Gallery to do land­scap­ing, con­crete side­walks, and car­pen­try work on sev­eral of my rental prop­er­ties as well as my home. Nathan’s work is con­sis­tently excel­lent. He employs com­pe­tent experts in a num­ber of dif­fer­ent fields. If you are look­ing for the cheap­est land­scaper, this is not the com­pany to use. Any­one with a truck and a lawn mower can call him­self a ‘land­scaper.’ Green Gallery is the place to go when you want the job done right.

Mark T., March 20, 2012, Berke­ley, CA

Nathan and team offer things we appre­ci­ated: pro­fes­sion­al­ism, hon­est feed­back on our design ideas, depend­abil­ity and flex­i­bil­ity. They gave our front lawn a face lift that still receives unso­licited praise. If you are bud­get friendly, he finds cre­ative ways to work with you. If you decide to make changes mid-steam, he can add on work-it adds to the bud­get but he works with you to find a win-win for both sides. Hope to have them back for back deck/yard later this year.

Jes­sica S., March 28, 2012, Oak­land, CA

We can’t say enough great things about work­ing with Green Gallery. Our project was com­pleted nearly six months ago and we still have passersby go out of their way to com­pli­ment the end result. Nathan was con­cep­tual and thought­ful when we need him to be and atten­tive and respon­sive when we had a strong point of view about things. An ideal part­ner for us. Our project included fence-building, patio-construction as well as land­scap­ing. He and his crew were hard-working and pro­fes­sional through­out the entire project and we’d be happy to work with him again in the future. Thanks Nathan!

Jody H., March 28, 2012, Berke­ley, CA

I am a Land­scape Archi­tect work­ing in the Bay Area and have had the oppor­tu­nity and plea­sure to work together with Nathan Pars­ley and Green Gallery Land­scap­ing. Nathan has a great eye for aes­thet­ics, he is effi­cient and timely but also pays close atten­tion to detail. Nathan is also a quick deci­sion maker — wrap­ping his head around poten­tial issues, and find­ing work­able solu­tions with ease. Rare, but nice to find, he is fun to work with, which is impor­tant in any kind of remodel or new project! For sev­eral years his crew and I have suc­cess­fully designed and installed many beautiful gar­dens, now enjoyed by many happy home­own­ers. I highly rec­om­mend Nathan and his crew for any size land­scape project!

Andrea S., April 2, 2012, Oak­land, CA

The owner, Nathan Pars­ley, is very knowl­edge­able about plant mate­ri­als and gen­eral land­scape con­tract­ing. We are a very sat­is­fied return cus­tomer. GGL has done plant beds, irri­ga­tion sys­tems, custom-designed fences and land­scape elec­tric light­ing sys­tems for our HOA. Nathan’s crew is skilled and fol­lows direc­tions care­fully. Very reli­able also.

Edward D., April 12, 2012, Berke­ley, CA

In 35 years of repeated remod­el­ing and land­scap­ing jobs on our home in Oak­land hills, we’ve come across only two other con­trac­tors we were any where near as happy with as Nathan. Nathan excels in all aspects of the work. He knows a lot about plants and design and offers his valu­able opin­ion when asked, but doesn’t push his views. He had sev­eral sug­ges­tions to change the architect’s plan (which was very good to start with) that greatly improved the job. His bid was a bit higher than aver­age, but he doesn’t “nickel and dime”–thus prob­a­bly comes in lower at the end. (It is a real plea­sure to work that way). He is flex­i­ble and eas­ily accepts changes that occur as the the job pro­gresses. The qual­ity of his work is equally out­stand­ing. His crews are extremely com­pe­tent, quiet, friendly and very pro­fes­sional. There are no long absences while the job sits, yet when the plant we wanted was out of stock, with no real deliv­ery date set, Nathan was quite will­ing to agree to wait as we wanted, rather than go with sec­ond best. He then worked hard to find a source of the pre­ferred plants. When some of … Continued

Mark & Chris­tine, May 14, 2012, Oak­land, CA

Nathan and his team did a great job on a com­plete redo of our front, back and side yards. The project included exten­sive hard­scap­ing, plant­i­ngs and irri­ga­tion. Nathan worked in con­cert with a land­scape archi­tect and was flex­i­ble in work­ing on the project while the plans were still being final­ized. The end result was a yard that trans­formed the way the house looked and the way we use the out­door spaces for the bet­ter. We would gladly work with Nathan and his team again. In addi­tion to the over­all qual­ity of the work, Green Gallery is dif­fer­en­ti­ated from other sim­i­lar com­pa­nies by the abil­ity to do dif­fi­cult work with wood, stone and metal. Our project included red­wood fenc­ing, Ipe dec­o­ra­tive pan­els and fenc­ing, stone tile work, con­crete work, cus­tom welded metal rail­ings and fea­tures, and two types of retain­ing walls. All of the work was done by Green Gallery and impressed us and con­sis­tently receives com­pli­ments from our guests.

Gharedt M., June 20, 2012, Oak­land, CA

Nathan and his crew at Green Gallery are amaz­ing! We are thrilled with the work they did for us in our back yard. We have lived for the last five years with a very steep and unus­able space that was over­run with ivy, weeds, black­berry bushes, and old stumps. Green Gallery has turned that old dis­as­ter in to an oasis. For the first time, we are able to lounge and enter­tain in our back yard! Nathan is extremely knowl­edge­able. The work was quoted in a very con­cise and clear man­ner. No unex­pected charges. We even changed our mind about things a cou­ple of times through­out the process and we were always told ‘no prob­lem, we can do what­ever you like’. The team of work­ers was very polite, clean, and friendly. Work was done quickly and effi­ciently but with the utmost care and qual­ity. I highly rec­om­mend Green Gallery.

Kate J., July 18, 2012, Con­tra Costa, CA

I highly rec­om­mend Nathan and the crew at Green Gallery. They rock! I didn’t think any land­scape pro­fes­sional would be will­ing to take on my tiny chicken coop exten­sion project, but they did a beau­ti­ful job on my project and within the small bud­get we agreed upon! Every­one who comes over and sees our new chicken coop exten­sion is wowed and com­ments on the great use of space! The great con­cept for the coop cam from Nathan vis­it­ing our yard and mak­ing really smart sug­ges­tions ahead of time. His crew was equally professional–they came and worked on their own and let me know what they needed in advance and fin­ished up really fast with­out leav­ing any mess in our yard! I would def­i­nitely use Green Gallery again for any of my funky urban farm projects!

Wendy R., August 6, 2012, Oak­land, CA

I really appre­ci­ate the work that Nathan and his Green Gallery crew did to trans­form my back­yard into a func­tional and beau­ti­ful space that I can finally enjoy. My exist­ing flag­stones were uneven, too spaced out with weeds in between, very unat­trac­tive and even dan­ger­ous to walk on. Not only that, but my old lawn was pretty much non-existent with mostly dirt that the weeds had grad­u­ally taken over. I also badly needed a sprin­kler and drip sys­tem to main­tain my flower beds, other plants and trees. Nathan’s team did the work quickly, effi­ciently and added perks like weed­ing, blow­ing leaves and prun­ing my trees. The sprin­kler sys­tem they installed is very easy to use and I’ve gained so much free time from not hav­ing to man­u­ally water. Green Gallery is a full-service land­scap­ing busi­ness that I highly rec­om­mend to oth­ers. My back yard is now pic­ture per­fect, my oasis, and my plants and cats are happy in it! Thanks!

Maria B., August 8, 2012, Oak­land, CA

Woo hoo! As good as it gets! We love Nathan, and his crew are a bunch of secret super­men. Our big and awk­wardly sloped back­yard was trans­formed to a fam­ily haven in TWO days. Work­ing with Nathan was really fun, he’s cre­ative and bal­ances his knowl­edge with great atten­tion to what we wanted and needed. Our yard is now super func­tional, has sep­a­rate areas for my wild boys and grown-up play. It is beau­ti­ful in a “this just hap­pened nat­u­rally” kind of way. The price and quote were very rea­son­able and clear — no sur­prise costs. I highly recommend!

Jes­sica M., August 31, 2012, Oak­land, CA

I agree with the glow­ing reviews by oth­ers. I was impressed by Nathan per­son­ally, and the way he was able to throw all the resources nec­es­sary for the job into motion in a very short time. I gave him a free hand, and stayed out of his way. The restora­tion of my back yard was accom­plished in a mat­ter of a few days . Nathan’s crew were all lovely — cour­te­ous and effi­cient, and I could def­i­nitely tell that the work­ing rela­tion­ships here were based on respect, and that the tone of the whole oper­a­tion was set by Nathan. He is a good lis­tener; he remem­bers every detail, and he does great work. He under­stood that in my gar­den, not every­thing needed to be done over, and he worked to fill out, restore, and replant as nec­es­sary. His bid was more than fair, and included a drip irri­ga­tion sys­tem sup­plied by a sub­con­trac­tor. This was all a very pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence for me, and I couldn’t rec­om­mend Nathan and Green Gallery more highly. These are young, knowl­edge­able, ener­getic, per­son­able, peo­ple, and they leave you think­ing every­one should be this way!

N. H., Sep­tem­ber 5, 2012, Berke­ley, CA

Green Gallery did a fan­tas­tic job build­ing a very detailed, orna­men­tal fence, a stair­case, land­scap­ing the yard, and installing a large, com­pli­cated sprin­kler sys­tem. We live in the hills so the work had to con­sider an aggres­sive gra­di­ent and grav­ity. Nathan and his highly skilled team nailed it all. Per­fect crafts­man­ship. Per­fect aes­thet­ics. Per­fect design. The team were very pleas­ant to deal with and I will most cer­tainly call on Nathan again for other projects in the pipeline. I highly rec­om­mend Green Gallery Land­scap­ing. Top notch out­fit. 5 stars.

Alex H., Sep­tem­ber 20, 2012, Berke­ley, CA


✉ green­galleryap­point­ments [at]

☎ 510-853-1719

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